Friday, May 1, 2015

Loving the learning

I am so thankful to have shared some words in chapel today. The best kind of assignments are ones that don't feel like an assignment because they turn out to be an enjoyable process!

I love when the learning process steps from a task to complete to a passion we feed. I am incredibly thankful for this step because now I can tell that I enjoy learning in multiple study facets.

Frankly, I used to hate history, but now I'm thankful for what I'm learning and absorbing in my history class this semester.

I never would have guessed that I would enjoy and learn from a discussion in a philosophy class, but here I am, thankful for the confusing questions and demanding discussions.

A lot of people have asked me why in the world I go to a liberal arts college. They then proceed to tell me how they're sister-in-law became a nurse in just two years at such-and-such a school in such-and-such a place.

I think I get it now. I think I'm starting to see why liberal arts is so cool, and this is why: being "forced" to take classes in multiple disciplines causes us (or me at least) to not just appreciate the knowledge, but appreciate the learning. It's not a love for knowledge we're after, but a love of coming to that knowledge! We are being taught to love coming to knowing things, I would dare say even more than loving what we are actually being taught.

That doesn't mean the facts we learn are useless as long as we love the learning process, the facts are still applicable. If I walked through the nursing program loving learning, but not retaining the facts, there would be no possible way I'd be a nurse by the end. (Studying is basically a lifestyle for nursing students!) I'm saying the facts are even more meaningful when we are passionate about what we are learning. And once we fall in love with learning, it does not matter what article we're discussing or disease we're analyzing, we will love it all, for it all falls under the umbrella of learning.

It only took two years, but I think I finally understand the beauty of a liberal arts education.

Thanks, Trin!

Call it an "aha moment," I guess.
