While I'd like to say I'm some awesome super hero that saves everyone's day every day, I can't. Sadly, I have many downfalls, bad habits, and set backs.
The first one that comes to mind when I think of things I fail at is cleaning my room. I have cleaned in tonight, but if you came in before, you would be grossed out! I had clothes (clean and dirty) all over the floor, with paths mapped out to my bed, alarm clock, dresser, and door. It's kind of sad, and my furniture could definitely use some dusting. I was cleaning it earlier, and I got to the point of dusting and vacuuming, but I couldn't because Danielle was asleep. So there my room sits: picked up, but not truly clean. And even after it's all clean and pretty, the next time I do laundry, it'll just get dirty all over again.....
Another fail of mine is sports. I tried playing soccer this past fall, and it was fun! But I really stunk at it. Good thing I had a positive attitude, otherwise I would've beat myself up at every practice or game. I remember in sixth grade I played basketball. I touched the ball probably about five times in a game (no joke) and only shot once. Which, might I add, was an almost swooshed three pointer! Wish I had made it. That would have been sweet! I also tried track. That was another fail. I threw shotput and discus. People thought I was strong and would be good at both, but I only broke twenty feet once in practice with shotput, and my hands were too small to be any good at discus (plus I was scared of throwing the wrong way and killing someone). Oh jr. high, I will never miss you!
Sometimes I'm not very good at being polite. I'm one of those people who blurts out whatever I'm thinking! Which is really tough to reign in (reighn? I don't know, I hate spelling). I have to learn to smile and be more polite. I have this gut feeling that I'm going to get in huge trouble someday because of this bad habit.
I don't do well with change. Some change I like, such as redecorating or changing my hair color, or going to college (at least I hope I like it!). But if we change something up in regards to family routine or something, I go crazy! Or if a cool family tradition gets broken for some reason, it really bothers me. Change can be good, but if it causes stress, I don't enjoy it.
Studying is another fail for me. Other kids are like "yeah, I studied for a good three hours!", and I'm like "I read the notes once....it took about half an hour....yeah...." I don't how I passed high school. I have such bad studying habits that they could be considered non-study habits. BRING IT COLLEGE!!! Yeah, I'm gonna die....
I'm terrible at giving gifts. Well, I used to be, I've gotten a little better! A little....
I went through this stage(and I think I'm still in it) where I thought homemade gifts were the coolest thing. Yeah, that really only works for my mom. But I'm getting better, I promise!!!
I could go into how I fail at physics or writing neatly or something, but I've think I've conjured up a good solid list for ya!
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