Well, here it is. My last blog post before going to college! Thank you to all of who read this. I'm glad that my words are worth your time:)
I feel as though I need to stand on a stage and give an acceptance speech. Something like "Thank you for all your support! I couldn't have made it to college without you." And then the crowd of my family and friends would go crazy with applause! And my heart would swell with such gratitude that I wouldn't be able to express. I would then walk off the stage feeling as if I were floating in mid-air.
My speech would go something like this:
First and foremost, I need to thank my wonderful family, especially my parents. They have encouraged me as much as possible and pushed me to my maximum potential. When I needed some venting time, they were there. When I wanted alone time, they were still there! Hehe:) *audience chuckles*
But I also have a few special friends to thank. Through my job, I have had the privilege of meeting so many incredible people. People who thank me for helping them, tell me I'm doing well when I needed some assurance, and laughing with me in our most tired moments. You guys make a work day fly by! I love feeling respected and appreciated, even when I was new. So thank you:)
Also, a huge shout-out to my past classmates. We have been through thick and thin, and I hope we can stay in touch! I will never forget all the laughs we shared. So thank you for being me friends, even through those "drama-filled" times. I hope God blesses in you in whatever you choose to do in life.
And of course, I need to thank my church. It is such a welcoming place that has allowed many people like myself to learn and grow. I hope I can find a church like that in Palos Heights. So thank you for your years of support, prayer, and encouragement.
God gets the biggest thanks today. He has blessed me with certain gifts and talents that have allowed me to accomplish many things, including the start of my college education. All these gifts will hopefully come in handy when I become a nurse someday:)
Well, there's my speech! Now for the hour long drive to my new home, Trinity Christian College:) Nurse life, here I come!!! 4 YEARS BABY, WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!:D
Can you tell I'm excited? ;)
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