I complain far too much.
Sometimes, I value my time more than I should.
An unexpected conversation shouldn't irritate me as much as it does.
We're always go, go, go all the time. Pausing to engage in a deep conversation with someone who needs it might help that person more than we may know.
So why don't we pause? Why do we think that we are going to run out of time and not get done what we deem so important?
Even just taking a moment to breathe can be so rewarding. Taking time out of our day to read, talk to friends, or do something fun we haven't done in a while can give you a burst of joy.
I love taking those moments out of the day to think about what I've done, seen, heard, or said. Is my impact a positive one? How can I improve? Did I treat everyone I met with the respect they deserve? Or did I walk away thinking "I don't want to talk to her now" or "Oh my word, he really gets on my nerves."
Being Christ-like is something I struggle with each and everyday. I complain about the actions of others, which proves that my actions are no better. People mess up, but it's not my job to call them out on it. My job is to pour God's love on everyone I meet, and to live out the life I am supposed to live.
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