Everyone has the capability of making someone's day. Yes, even those awful coworkers or neighbors that seem to contain the maturity of a five year old.
Anybody can do it! It's the little things that count. Sending flowers to your wife. Picking up another's books they dropped in the hallway. Writing an encouraging note. It's all possible!
Want to know how I know this? Because sometimes I find myself on the receiving end of these encouraging tid-bits. Words are extremely powerful. This week, my mom facebook messaged me (which surprised me because she is somewhat technologically challenged. love you mom!) the most uplifting words I had heard in a long time. I love when people reach out to others simply to spread share some encouraging words.
I feel that this is an act that can bring us closer to how Christ would act. Think about it: Christ was the one who reached out to the blind, sick, and lame. He went to a tax collector's house. Sure, we can't perform miracles like Christ did, but being built up by a friend, peer, or family member is almost a mini-miracle.
The most impactful thing we can do is spread a little love to build our friends up. Wow, I totally just reminded myself of GEMS from like seven years ago.....holy flashbacks!
Anywho, spread some love today! You never know when your encouraging words could truly change someone's life.
Encourage one another and build each other up:)
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