Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Rain, rain, go away

Despite my title, I am very fond of the rain. The refreshing drops pelting my face and soaking my hair. It's rejuvenating and invigorating.

I recall some amazing things that occurred in the rain. Every summer my family goes camping in Ludington, Michigan. It seems as though the weather up there was hit or miss each year: all sun or all rain. But the rain didn't stop us from enjoying our vacation! Fishing in the rain, walking in the rain, biking in the rain, it was all as much fun as it would be in the sun. My aunts and cousins try and visit us when we're in Ludington, and one day they visited us on one of the coldest, rainiest days I can remember. And for some insane reason we decided to brave the cold and rain and float down the river that ran through the campground. To this day I have no idea why we did that, but the awesome part is that that was one of the best memories I have from our adventures in Ludington. Why? Because I was surrounded by family, love, and oh so much laughter.

Or what about the time all us kids in the neighborhood went to the corner by Scott's house to play in the huge puddle that lived there? I have some great memories of mud fights and biking through that puddle over and over again. In this situation, we were just kids making the best of what we had on a Saturday away from school.

Just like the rain didn't get in the way of our Ludington adventures, I don't see it getting in my way today. My complaining about the rain will do no good. So why can't we recognize it for what it is and be thankful that our gracious God decided to water His beautiful earth? Look at the trees in their wonderful fall hues. Doesn't the rain make them look all the more bright and beautiful? Yes, a sunny day has its perks, but can you go puddle jumping on a sunny day? Not unless it rains!

As I walk past these college kids bundled up in hoodies, raincoats, rainboots, and hugging umbrellas as close to their heads as possible I can't help but wonder if they're taking rain for granted. I'm not saying I don't take it for granted sometimes, but why don't we all try to enjoy the rain? Let's take a gloomy day and make it fantastic. Let's go puddle jumping, bike riding, and rainy day walking all for the glory of the magnificent God that has blessed us so much so that He even knows the perfect time to send us rain.

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