Saturday, April 25, 2015

Note to self

I discovered this video today, and its message is something that I think needs to be written on banners in the sky, shouted from rooftops, and shared with every person in this world. Have a look if you'd like:

Whether we realize it or not, we are all subject to society's influences. I may not feel pressure to become society's "ideal" woman, but I can definitely see the ways society shoves the idea down our throats.

We all want to be seen as pretty, but what we don't realize is that each of us is beautiful.

And yes, there is a difference.

Beauty can be seen as a capsule containing so much more than just physical appearance.

Think of your family and closest friends.

What do you appreciate about them? What about them inspires you? What do you think makes them beautiful?

I am always impressed when my roommate's creative flair emerges. Her gifts in the realm of art are dazzling to me. Even pieces that she throws away are accomplishments that I know I could never reach.

That makes her beautiful.

My brother is out back fishing as I compile these thoughts. Every question I ask about poles, lines, and bait gets answered. The kid really knows what he's talking about!

That makes him beautiful.

I like working as a CNA and helping brighten my resident's days with a smile and a helping hand. I like asking about their lives and gleaning bits of wisdom from what they have to say.

That makes me beautiful.

Beauty is a person's passions, hobbies, quirks, gifts, and talents all rolled into one. But now that I've given a definition, I don't think beauty can be defined in this sort of blanket way. Each person is beautiful for different reasons.

So while we may not live up to external expectations of beauty, we gain hope knowing that we are all beautiful. Sometimes it's difficult to see this beauty, in ourselves or in others, but it's there. We need only take time to discover it.

So here's a little "note to self" for each of us: we are beautiful, no matter what anyone else says, for we were made in God's image, and He is truly beautiful.

Monday, April 13, 2015


Hi my name is ________.

I am a _____ major.

I enjoy ______, ____________, and _______.

I have been involved in _______, __________, and ____________ in the past.

My dad is a _______.

My mom is a ___________.

I am __ feet ___ inches tall.

I weigh _____ pounds.

I am from ______________ and have lived there for ___ years.

My personality can be defined as ________, ______, and _____________.


I think you get the picture.

Knowing someone seems to start with this type of information. The sad part comes when knowing just this information is enough for a person to stop pursuing knowledge of another's life.

Why are we so quick to judge? Sure, not every person you meet will become your best friend, but when did we forget that every person is made in the image of God?

How about instead of defining someone by their past mistakes or things about them that irk us, let's accept every person for the beautiful creation God made them to be. Stop defining people by their appearances or downfalls. Our culture has us so caught up in these things that we forget who put us here and gave us our unique qualities.

Talk to her about her love of art. Talk to him about his interest in airplanes. Talk to that one friend about his thoughts on his future. Ask her how her family is doing. Ask about likes and dislikes and stories and habits, but don't forget to actually care about the person. Don't forget that they have a soul and a Creator who wants to see that soul in a new body in heaven someday.

Pray for that person. Pray for the friends, the third cousins, the enemies you may have.

Search for a way to better see people. Don't stop at the surface stuff. Humans are complex. Humans are deep. They have meaning. They have significance. Don't ever forget that.

We like to put people in little boxes and say "this is who you are to me," but what we far too often forget is what they are to God. Sometimes we even forget what we are to God!

Why do we do this?

Why do we let ourselves box people up? Why do we box God's creation?

Why do we box God?

Lately I've found myself defining people when really the only one who truly knows them is their Creator.

I've even attempted to define myself. But that's impossible. I don't know what changes are coming. I don't understand the most inner-workings of my brain. I don't know what I dream at night. I don't know where I'll end up. I don't know how to define myself, which, in turn, means I cannot successfully define other people.

The only thing I can do is look at a person and say "God, thank you for that life, that soul, that being that you made. You are awesome. You are wonderful and to be praised."

I can only look at myself and praise God for his love and protection. I can only look at myself and thank Him for saving me and making me His child.

Stop defining people. Stop shutting them out. Stop defining yourself. Stop defining God.

Thank Him for people. Thank Him for giving you life. Thank Him for being Himself and allowing us to get a glimpse of His love and power.


As always, I have no idea if any of that made any coherent sense, it is just my thoughts typed in a box on the internet.

Thanks for reading. And happy spring, folks!