Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Time to reflect

It's easy to get a case of the "holiday spirit" that most experience this time of year. Charlie Brown is on TV. Nearly every store has some crazy sale going on. Commercials on the radio, Christmas music blaring, people being oddly friendly. All of our emotions are in the moment. Enjoying turkey with our family, sharing what we're thankful for. Opening presents and being truly grateful. Ringing in the new year with a party and sparkling grape juice.

That's my kind of holiday. And maybe yours as well.

But this season is not just for joy in the moment. You know what I love to hear people say on their birthday? They say they're thankful for another year that God has given them. Shouldn't we do this every year on the holidays as well? Shouldn't we reflect on the good things that have happened over the past year? The growth we experienced, the people we met, the goals we reached?

This year I'm going to try to reflect. Not just enjoy these wonderful moments, but remember past times as well. I want to think about how God has used me and used others to get me to where I am.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Warning: it's coming

Warning: the time is coming where America will be dissolved in complete and utter selfishness, fatigue, and insanity. Ironically this chaos will ensue the day after, or even the day of, we give thanks for all of our blessings. I know this bugs a lot of us every year, myself included.

Yes, Christmas will be upon us soon, and we all want the perfect gifts for our family and friends. But that does not mean that the whole nation needs to attack their local Targets and Wal-Mart's all at once to find what they want while simultaneously trampling the little old grandmas who really should not be awake at three in the morning!!!

Whew, glad I finally got that said.

Have a safe holiday! Happy Thanksgiving and an early Merry Christmas:)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Writing multiple papers each week on a vast array of topics: welcome to college.

This week I am puzzled by one essay in particular. After the first few weeks of the English course I am in, I realized that I was going to be hit head on with challenging readings, deep discussions, and mind-boggling essay topics. Tonight is yet another example of that jelly-brained feeling I get when I have absolutely no clue where to direct my thoughts and eventually this paper.

We read a book. A great book, but a sad one. It's title is Saint Maybe, and the author is Anne Tyler. I enjoyed this book, however sad and troubling it was. This boy Ian feels guilty for causing the death of his brother and the brother's wife. Ian's sister-in-law had a baby, her third child. Ian babysat for them quite often, and he started to suspect that his sister-in-law, Lucy, was having an affair. Lucy and Ian's brother Danny got married very quickly after meeting, which caused Ian to suspect that the baby, Daphne, wasn't even Danny's child. Ian, in anger, blurted his suspicions to Danny which caused Danny to drive into a brick wall and kill himself.

Lucy seemed to whither after Danny's death, and she eventually died as well. Ian had grown close to the kids, Agatha, Thomas, and Daphne. Lucy had no family, no connections anywhere, so Ian and his parents took in the kids, although Ian did most of the work. Through Ian's journey in life we see that he is raising these kids and basically throwing his own life and dreams away because he is trying to atone himself for killing Danny and Lucy. He can't seem to understand the true meaning of forgiveness.

Sorry if Saint Maybe was a book on your reading list, I'm just trying to gather my thoughts. The essay we are to write is on beautiful truth. We are supposed to talk about the intersections of truth and beauty in fiction, while jumping back to Anne Tyler's novel for examples of this. But how am I supposed to do this when I don't know what we mean by truth and beauty? When I think of truth I first think of the Bible, then I think of...well, what do I think of next? I don't really know. And what is beauty? Is it the goodness we see in creation? The goodness in each of us? I can see where beauty comes into the picture, but where does it intersect with truth? How does one character or event in the novel signify beauty and truth simultaneously?

I could step away from this assignment for a time to get other homework out of the way, but I just can't. All I can do is stare at a blank document, jot some ideas in my notebook, start typing a sentence, and then delete it for its lack of true content.

I am again reminded of what it's like to truly wrestle with a topic. To not know exactly where your thoughts settle or where the end result will be. So here's my question: can I find my ideas through writing? Or do I need to have my ideas clearly laid out before I pull up a blank document?

For once, the act of writing is winning this battle. And to be honest, I have no clue how to fight back.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The R word

Every student fears it. Especially freshmen who are to experience the R word last of all out of the whole campus. Which results in the build-up of nerves so extreme that the buildings in which the freshmen reside become nearly toxic in comparison to the rest of campus.

It requires some planning ahead and quite a lot of fretting as to whether or not the coveted prizes will still be available after the others have already picked over them. The prizes? If you have not guessed yet, it's classes. The classes you need for your major, the best profs, the worst profs, everyone wants their ideal schedule.

And it all comes down to tonight. At 12:01pm, the world in which we live will be overcome by temporary chaos. Fingers flying on our keyboards, scrolling, clicking buttons, celebrating private victories when we gain a spot in the most coveted class with the best professor.

I hope by now that you realize what I am hinting at when I say "the R word." I don't know if I can even bring myself to say it...reg....regis.......oh, I don't think I can do it!


Okay, there. You made me say it! I just hope that doesn't add to the insanity that will soon engulf this whole building......

Thursday, November 7, 2013

lovin' my sibs:)

I have a lot of people in my life to love and be proud of, but some of the most important ones are my siblings. I used to complain about being the middle of five kids, but it's actually pretty great! I'm so proud of all the accomplishments they have made.

Nichole is married to a great man, and they have one of the most adorable sons in the entire universe. (And I'm not just saying that because he's my nephew. He's legitally the cutest!) They moved to DeMotte from Michigan which means I get to see them more often than I used to, when I'm home from school that is. I never really had the best relationship with Nichole, but now that she lives close I'm excited to grow closer to her and Greg (and Micah of course!)

Then there's Danielle who is in Nicaragua! How cool is that??? She meeting new people, seeing new things, and having experiences that will probably stick with her forever. I couldn't be more proud of her, even though she's a Dordt Defender and not a Trinity Troll;) I can't wait to see what she does in the future because I know she can handle almost anything that gets thrown at her.

I couldn't NOT talk about my studly "little" brother Caleb. This kid is involved in everything! From the play, to sports, and chillin' with his friends, he's quite the busy-body. I just hope he's giving enough of his free time to homework *cough cough*. (Caleb, if you're reading this, I hope you know that I'm watching you.....-_-.....watching you.)

What to say about Dylan. I'm just glad my friends have stopped calling him cute! Boy, did that get annoying...Dylan is cruising right on through fifth grade like a champ. I still think it's unfair that he never has homework though. He played soccer again this year which is, of course, awesome:) He's still a chatter-box, but I love that about him. It's great to come home on weekends and get attacked with a ton of stories my brothers want to share. I'm fine with not talking for awhile!

Whenever my mom brags about us kids, I usually just roll my eyes and brush it off. After reading this post to myself I realize that I'm acting kind of like her! But whatever, it's good to brag our siblings, right?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Power of Trust

There is nothing more humbling than trust. Being on the receiving end of someone's trust makes me feel like I am doing something right in the friendship realm. And when I know I can trust someone, it's a pretty big deal! It's like handing them a list of my secrets, all typed up in a neat little list, and hoping that they don't slip up and spread your secrets. I'm allowing someone else into my mind and my thoughts because I trust them. Humans are social beings. We want to talk, share, and trust.

Trust is one of those scary traits that you don't want to abuse. I've seen what happens when a person loses the trust of another. It isn't pretty. Trust is a wall that take ages to rebuild after it was smashed. Sometimes trust is broken in an extremely significant way or it is eaten away by simple gossip.

Gossip is so easy to succumb to. "Oh, I'll just tell her because it's funny" or "It's not like he's going to tell so-and-so." We allow these thoughts to justify our indulgent, sinful gossip. But all we're really doing is letting the devil sit in our souls for awhile while we talk to so-and-so, and then we push those gossipy thoughts from our minds like we never said anything at all.

We aren't going to be able to push sins, like gossip, out of our lives if we keep allowing ourselves to dip into them once in a while. Trust is one of the foundations of every relationship, whether a friendship or a more serious one. Breaking someone's trust can significantly change the way they perceive your relationship and you. That's why trust is so difficult to gain back.

I'm sure a lot of us have seen the effects that broken trust can have. I'm trying to make it a goal to be less gossipy and more trustworthy. Sure, I fail occasionally, but at least I'm trying. Will you?

Rain, rain, go away

Despite my title, I am very fond of the rain. The refreshing drops pelting my face and soaking my hair. It's rejuvenating and invigorating.

I recall some amazing things that occurred in the rain. Every summer my family goes camping in Ludington, Michigan. It seems as though the weather up there was hit or miss each year: all sun or all rain. But the rain didn't stop us from enjoying our vacation! Fishing in the rain, walking in the rain, biking in the rain, it was all as much fun as it would be in the sun. My aunts and cousins try and visit us when we're in Ludington, and one day they visited us on one of the coldest, rainiest days I can remember. And for some insane reason we decided to brave the cold and rain and float down the river that ran through the campground. To this day I have no idea why we did that, but the awesome part is that that was one of the best memories I have from our adventures in Ludington. Why? Because I was surrounded by family, love, and oh so much laughter.

Or what about the time all us kids in the neighborhood went to the corner by Scott's house to play in the huge puddle that lived there? I have some great memories of mud fights and biking through that puddle over and over again. In this situation, we were just kids making the best of what we had on a Saturday away from school.

Just like the rain didn't get in the way of our Ludington adventures, I don't see it getting in my way today. My complaining about the rain will do no good. So why can't we recognize it for what it is and be thankful that our gracious God decided to water His beautiful earth? Look at the trees in their wonderful fall hues. Doesn't the rain make them look all the more bright and beautiful? Yes, a sunny day has its perks, but can you go puddle jumping on a sunny day? Not unless it rains!

As I walk past these college kids bundled up in hoodies, raincoats, rainboots, and hugging umbrellas as close to their heads as possible I can't help but wonder if they're taking rain for granted. I'm not saying I don't take it for granted sometimes, but why don't we all try to enjoy the rain? Let's take a gloomy day and make it fantastic. Let's go puddle jumping, bike riding, and rainy day walking all for the glory of the magnificent God that has blessed us so much so that He even knows the perfect time to send us rain.

Monday, November 4, 2013

It's the little things...

Everyone has the capability of making someone's day. Yes, even those awful coworkers or neighbors that seem to contain the maturity of a five year old.

Anybody can do it! It's the little things that count. Sending flowers to your wife. Picking up another's books they dropped in the hallway. Writing an encouraging note. It's all possible!

Want to know how I know this? Because sometimes I find myself on the receiving end of these encouraging tid-bits. Words are extremely powerful. This week, my mom facebook messaged me (which surprised me because she is somewhat technologically challenged. love you mom!) the most uplifting words I had heard in a long time. I love when people reach out to others simply to spread share some encouraging words.

I feel that this is an act that can bring us closer to how Christ would act. Think about it: Christ was the one who reached out to the blind, sick, and lame. He went to a tax collector's house. Sure, we can't perform miracles like Christ did, but being built up by a friend, peer, or family member is almost a mini-miracle.

The most impactful thing we can do is spread a little love to build our friends up. Wow, I totally just reminded myself of GEMS from like seven years ago.....holy flashbacks!

Anywho, spread some love today! You never know when your encouraging words could truly change someone's life.

Encourage one another and build each other up:)

Hey friends!

Recently my friend and fellow Troll Nathan started a blog in which he ever so kindly shared the link to my blog. So, to return the favor, I though I'd share with you the link to his blog! So, when you finish reading my most recent posts, you can jump over to his blog for more thoughts from a college kid.


While I try super hard to bring you well-worded documentations of my life, Nathan is an English major who is far better with words than I am. I would highly suggest checking out his blog:)

Thanks, all! :)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Chill time:)

I love those chill Saturdays where you can wake up when you want and do whatever.

This morning I didn't have to get mad at my alarm, leap out of bed so as not to be late, or struggle to stay awake in class.

Today I mozied (yes, I consider that a word) out of bed and took my sweet old time getting ready for the day. Then I went to support our lovely Troll ladies out on the soccer field, accompanied by my two fantastic friends Anneliese and Kyle. We're pretty much the perfect mix of humor, attitude, and joy in general. They were even kind enough to drive back to campus for me because I was stupid and didn't dress warm enough at all for the forty degree weather we are currently experiencing. Let's just say I was numb all over about ten minutes into the game.

Just talking and chilling with a couple friends can be so relaxing and rejuvenating. No requirements. No one to impress. Just taking time to enjoy our friendship. After the game we headed over to the BBC (Bootsma Bookstore Café) for some lunch. I love how honest we can be when surrounded by friends. Sometimes we need to take some time to talk through things that are bothering us. Friends are those people who know when to lend a listening ear and offer encouragement and advice. They are also those we can laugh with about things that aren't even that funny!

I know I've said this a lot, but I am truly so thankful for the new friends I've acquired here. I can't say that enough:)

Friday, November 1, 2013

New School, New Friends

I have almost peed my pants three times already this school year because my friends are so crazy hilarious. That's pretty much a record for me! One thing that makes TCC so great is the people. Everyone I meet and talk to is so awesome in their own unique way. I'm so happy with the new friends I've made that I thought I'd give them a shout out and talk about their unique gifts and quirks that make them great. If you aren't mentioned it's only because I got sick of typing. Guess I'm feeling lazy today, but hey, it's Friday!

First and foremost, I have to begin with my roommate Maddie. She is loud, obnoxious, hilarious, and passionate about the sick in the world (aka, nursing major!). Maddie is also extremely smart. If she has a question, she will research it until she finds an answer. She's great at writing papers, which helps because I'm not so great at it. The one difference is that she loves horror movies. I'm definitely not in that boat

Next, my suitemate Anneliese, one of my many friends from Wisconsin. This girl is one of the funniest people I know, in more of a dry-humor sort of way. She has an impressive sense of style and loves to laugh, especially when someone else in the group does something stupid! Anneliese is studying social work, which I believe fits her perfectly well. If I need an opinion on something, I know she'll be 100% honest with me. Couldn't have asked for a better sweetmate!

Next comes my friend Amy James. This girl will give you the most straightforward, blunt answer you ever needed! I've never met someone so logical and level-headed as her. If there's a problem, she doesn't skirt around the edges, she faces it head-on! She's going to do incredible things in the future, that's for sure. And, as a side-note, her sense of fashion is superb! It helps to have fashionista on our hall:)

My friends Sierra and Nathan kind of come as a pair (they are dating after all). Sierra is an incredibly unique, talented, and hilarious girl. She's the girl who introduces herself like so: "Hi, I'm Sierra like Sierra Mist!" It's awesome. Nathan is the perfect fit for her. His humor compliments her joy really well:) He is studying English and Sierra is studying music. Cutest couple of the year award? I think yes.

Kaitlyn is a burst of energy, 24/7. She has a legit addiction to sugar. She ate a whole can of straight up whip cream in one night! I don't think I've ever seen her not smiling. She's one of those people that we can make fun of anytime, and she will laugh with us. Her major is Spanish, and did I mention she could make a noise like a cricket? It's seriously spot on!

Nick can be summed up in one word: sass. If he gets burned by someone, he'll yell "aw heck no!" and fire back with a sharp comeback. This makes life very interesting because we all hate being dissed. There's a lot of yelling when Nick, Maddie, Anneliese, and others all hang out in the lounge. We're not very good at respecting quiet hours either! After an evening of laughter, we usually all have soar throats from yelling. There's a lot of sass that goes on in our group:) Nick is a CNA and a nursing major which fits him very well.

Alice is the sweetest and probably most talkative person I've met here at Trinity (in a good way of course!). She is studying nursing as well and happens to be my chemistry lab partner. She is passionate about the hurting people in this world, which will help her push to become a nurse. This is the girl that introduced me to the deliciousness of Steak 'n Shake and is practically a professional beautician.

And then there's another Wisconsin friend, Beth. She is studying nursing and Spanish (like me!). I can talk to her about pretty much anything without being judged. I love that we can laugh together whenever we talk. The torture of English class is a little more bearable (barable? no) when I sit by Beth. So thankful for her:)

Emily is Beth's roommate, and they compliment each other perfectly. Emily is studying nursing as well (notice a pattern?). She is one of my psychology class buddies and I'm told has a vast supply of adorable scarves:) A conversation with Emily can brighten any gloomy day.

Val, along with Beth, Emily, and April, lives in West Hall. I live in South Hall which, while they are next to each other, means I don't see them as often as I should. Val is kind of a genius, studying Biology. She is from Pella, Iowa and obviously thought Trinity was a better choice for her than Dordt:) I love saying hi to her when she's working at the cafeteria. She is another English class buddy:)

And then of course there's April. I've known April for a solid fifteen years, and while we weren't friends for a little while in there, I'm glad she's at Trinity. I don't think there's anyone here I can be more honest with, or will be more honest with me. This girl is going to be one of the best teachers out there. She is creative, intelligent, and awesome with kids! She's probably going to be that cool mom that all her kids' friends love.

I know there're so many more people I've met and connected with, but I'm going to stop the list here. If I wrote about all of you, this one post would be the equivalent of all my other posts combined! I'm incredibly thankful for all the amazing people I've met here at TCC. Not just other freshmen, but other students, and even faculty and professors as well. The community atmosphere here is truly impressive. I am proud to call this place home:)