Sunday, October 12, 2014

Jumping in

16 years.

16 years have been spent here.





16 years in the DeMotte/Roselawn area.

That's a long time, people!

And now God is calling us elsewhere.

I guess it's time for an adventure.


Sure St. John isn't all that far from here, but still. To uproot ourselves from the place we've called home for so long is a pretty scary thing, and lots of prayers are needed.

First, I know I'll be praying for Community Church, which has been our home for so long. I pray that our leaving may not be seen as a stumbling block to them, but a chance to continue on the growth path they appear to going down. The church is a team. Losing one part of that team can't be the end of progress.

Second, I'm asking for prayers for Pathway Church, which we'll be joining in a few months. Pray that this church that has been wanting to sprout can finally have the leadership it needs to make that happen. I know it's intimidating to take on a new leadership role, but I hope that through the work of the congregation, in partnership with my dad, we can make something truly awesome happen.

Third, I would really appreciate prayers for my family. I was three when we moved to Roselawn, so my brothers and I have no idea what it's like to move. Pray that our family can work together well to be able to smoothly pull off this transition. Right now, I have no clue what's going to happen. Where will we live? Where are my mom and I going to work now? Can Caleb and Dylan still be as involved at school as they are now? Are we waiting to move until summer?

At this point, I have to remind myself to stop letting questions bog me down. With so much going on, so many thoughts to struggle with, it's difficult to be thankful for the opportunity my dad has in going to Pathway.

So I'm simply asking for prayer. For Community, for Pathway, and for our family.

It's time for some change. It's scary, but we might as well jump in!

Thanks for reading:)

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