Monday, June 17, 2013 our insane world!


Think about how impactful this word is in your life.

Whether it's being the best drawer (not the furniture kind) in 2nd grade. Being the coolest in jr. high and high school. Doing the best in college. Or landing the best job.

I'm all for being a competitor against ourselves. Beating the clock. Reaching past your goals. Breaking a personal record. That sort of thing.

And I think competitions in sports or clubs is awesome! I mean, imagine a world without sports? Or games? Or anything competitive??? Yeah, that would get kind of boring. Sometimes it's fun to have a competition and find out who's best:)

But then I think about the way that society has taken competition to a whole new extreme. What type of shows do you watch? Personally, I could watch anything because I'm just going to forget soon after, but do you think about what you you watch it? If you do, you discover odd things. Like how truly messed up people are!!!!! Sorry, but it's true....

Some competitive shows are hilarious, like Wipeout:) Until your mom walks in and says she hates this show because people could get "seriously injured." Typical nurse for ya....oh wait...THAT'S ME IN FOUR YEARS!!!!!!! Well, we'll worry about that later.

And shows like Wheel of Fortune, the Price is Right, and random game shows like that are pretty cool. But some competitive shows just really irk me. Take the Bachelor as an example. I'm not watching this season, but I'm guessing it's just as dramatic, stupid, and tear-filled as all the rest. Oh wait, it can't be because it's the Bachelorette(spelling?) not the Bachelor.....Whatever, it's still stupid. Why would you create a competitive show about  a bunch people competing for the love of one person. I don't get it.....even if it is entertaining!

And then I think about the competition in my life. I'm not usually pressured into being "cool" or "popular," even though I am incredibly enjoyable as I am:) I'm more of a "compete against myself" kind of person.

But really, consider the work world. And prepare yourself for a total nerd moment! In history class, we read portions from a book called the World is Flat. The author's main point, if it can be summed up, is that competition has gone from country verse country to company verse company to individual verse individual. And this isn't just a "yeah, whatever" fact. It means that more people are equipped to compete against even more people for jobs and opportunities. Some American jobs can easily be shipped to other countries because it will be less expensive to pay workers in say Asia than America(what greedy Americans we are...) So basically, the upcoming generation could possibly struggly even more in their job searches than we have now, depending the area of work. Great...

Wow! I apologize. This blog is getting incredibly lengthy. I guess this is one of those "reflect on the good and bad of something" blog posts. Competition is awesome in that it encourages people to strive toward a goal or achieve some sort of "better status." Although it can go off the deep end when people on drugs decide to create weird game shows......Okay, not the best conclusion to this blog, but you know what I'm trying to say! don't know me. Which I don't think most of you do! Let's just say, I found out that one or more of you live in Germany........I don't know anyone in Germany.....this just got slighty awkward. I need to stop rambling!!! Good night, all:)

PS- just thought of this, but did anyone else hear that incredibly stupid answer Miss Utah gave during the Miss America pagent? Wow.....what a world. That's another competition that gets on my nerves.

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